Thursday, October 21, 2010

How to use the calendar

Welcome to the Setnor School of Music blog everyone!  The primary purpose of this is to host the building calendar for use by current students and faculty.  Directions on how to use this are posted right here (below).

In order to view a certain calendar, or to make one go away, go up to the right hand corner of the calendar, and click on the little down arrow. A drop down menu should appear with all of these calendar options. If you put a check mark next to a calendar, you will be able to view it. If you take one away, it will go away from the calendar. They are color coded for your convenience. The calendar on this blog should update immediately upon making a change on the Google calendar.

Another point about the calendar--after a while this post will be in the archives. If you ever want to view it, and it's not right on the page, just search "Calendar" in the search field in the upper left-hand corner of the blog, and it will be found!

Check back often, and subscribe if you can! And thank Professor DiMartino for his help in getting the calendar function to work!!!

PS--The calendar sometimes claims that you "dont have permission to view." Basically that means that I'm not signed into Google at the time. Everything still seems to be there even while it's saying that.

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